Environmental Policy

WISE believes that the effective management of environmental issues is essential to the ongoing success of the business.

We accept that our activities may impact on the environment and acknowledge our responsibilities in this area.

WISE Worksafe is committed to compliance with all relevant legislation and associated guidance, and will strive to reduce pollution to its lowest practicable level.

WISE Worksafe accepts its responsibility to minimise its impact on the local environment and will promote a positive influence by co-operating with our neighbours to ensure the proper maintenance of sites, roadways and buildings.

Our objective is not to cause harm to the environment as far as practicable. This is achieved by maintaining UKAS accredited certified ISO 14001 Environmental Management System and by adopting the following principles:

  • Regular monitoring and review of aspects and impacts on the environment will provide the foundation for continual improvement of the Company’s environmental performance.
  • Make efficient and environment-conscious use of resources to ensure a sustainable future through income growth, whilst making a positive contribution to the environment by preventing pollution and reducing the significant environmental impact of energy-use and packaging-use.
  • The establishment of a waste management programme, adopting the hierarchy of reduction, re-use, recovery (including recycling), and final optimal disposal.
  • Promotion of the efficient use of energy by all our personnel.
  • When planning work, all our personnel will aim to keep any potential impact on the environment such as noise, dust, smells, or fumes to a minimum.
  • After application of the waste hierarchy of reduce re-use recover/recycle, any remaining waste will be disposed of responsibly; all our personnel will comply with agreed waste disposal requirements relating to areas under our control and encourage our suppliers and customers to do the same.

Last Reviewed: 08 October 2024

ISO 14001

BSI ISO14001

EMS 561246

WISE Worksafe is certified to ISO 14001 Environmental Management Standard. A copy of our certificate can be downloaded here