The importance of women's fit in outdoor workwear transcends the realms of fashion and enters into the essential areas of comfort, safety, and professional empowerment. By prioritising fit, charities and trusts can enhance their employees' and volunteers' well-being and productivity, foster a more inclusive workplace, and contribute positively to environmental sustainability.
Wondering how sustainable your corporate workwear is? We explore ways you can find out.
People are increasingly expecting, if not demanding, that the companies they buy from and work for are as ethical and sustainable as possible.
The many risks in the workplace mean you need top-quality PPE safety clothing to ensure everyone is protected. The risks to workers in all kinds of environments is now far greater, given the coronavirus pandemic and the ease with which anyone can become infected.
We look at how to recycle work uniforms without creating possible threats to your company while helping you to be a more environmentally friendly operation.
Health and safety practices in the workplace start with the clothing workers wear — and its quality.
Employers' most basic responsibility is to take care of those who work for them, and under a number of UK laws, companies are bound to ensure that workplaces are clean, safe and healthy spaces to work in.
Uniform recycling in the UK offers firms another opportunity to burnish their environmental credentials and attract new customers.
Getting the right kind of PPE gloves will help you do the job better while also protecting yourself and others.
Quality and reliable personal protective equipment (PPE) has never been so important and necessary as the world continues to battle the coronavirus pandemic.
A knight’s armour is crafted to instill fear into his opponents. A police officer’s uniform is to increase authority. A footballer’s kit is to encourage confidence and team spirit. In this article we share the secrets to achieving your goals through your uniform, while ensuring your team love to wear it.